Wednesday 15 November 2017


      Humans are creature that can't live without the presence of other humans, and yet sometimes humans like being alone. Humans like peace and yet they always conlict with each other. Humans are creature that always do the opposite of what they like.
Why did they do it?
And for what reason did they do it?
Humans are a brave and yet coward creatute.
How does that even make any sense?
Even after so long I live as a human being. I can't even understand them. I guess humans are just so amazing that I cannot understand them. But humans are also affraid of something they didn't know. But I'm not affraid of humans eventhough I don't understand them.
Then does that mean I'm not a human?
I guess being affraid of something makes you humans. Having a weakness makes you human. But I don't think having a weakness is a good thing.
Then why did that makes you human?
Why did human treat that as a good thing?
I really can't understand human. But i guess that just makes life more interesting, so it's not a bad thing. Afterall it would be boring to know every answer you seek right?

1 comment:

  1. Naufal, a good article you published here. You may need to develop this further by answering these questions:
    -Can you provide an example of your theory of human complexity?
    - Can you give your own experience on the complex human traits?

    You may also need to create a more tantalizing title so readers are interested.
